Walking with diabetes
Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a life-altering experience, leaving you and your loved ones feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. As a credentialled diabetes educator (CDE), Krysten fully understands the challenges you may face. We are committed to offering assistance and empowering you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the journey alongside diabetes. Together, we will stride confidently on the path of managing diabetes.
What does a Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE) do?
A CDE is a health professional who has undertaken a rigorous credentialling program and has specialist knowledge in the field of diabetes education.
CDEs assist and empower people living with diabetes, and those at risk of developing diabetes, to effectively self-manage the care and treatment of their diabetes or prediabetes.
CDEs have specialised holistic expertise in diabetes care and management, and tailor their advice to each person’s diabetes’ situation. CDEs work closely with people with diabetes to:
• listen to and understand their priorities, knowledge and needs
• tailor education and clinical advice to their situation, their culture and where they are on their diabetes pathway
• provide in-depth knowledge across all key areas of diabetes care and management
• recommend other specialists and allied health professionals where needed.

Krysten, our Diabetes Educator, can help you if you have the following conditions:
Type 1 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes
Gestational diabetes
You don’t have diabetes, but you want to know more about diabetes
During the consultation, we provide the followings:
Diabetes self-management education
Information on glucose monitoring devices e.g. glucometers, CGMs
Education on insulin injection
Dietary advise and carbohydrate counting
Diabetes Educator consultation fee:
Initial consultation (60 minutes)
Private fee: $120/ Gap fee: $60 (with a GPMP*)
Follow up session (30 minutes)
Private fee: $75/ Gap fee: $40 (with a GPMP*)
*GP Management Plan (GPMP)
Under a GPMP, you can receive 5 allied health services (including diabetes educator) per calendar year.
Please check your eligibility and speak to your GP if you are interested in setting up the plan to see allied health professionals.
Please note that it is not a bulk-billed service. If you are in financial hardship, please contact our diabetes educator. We will adjust the fee based on your situation.